"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." - Scott Adams
I grew up thinking I would be a doctor. I was the oldest child, I liked order and all things neat. There was never another vocation that I considered. But as I got older I realized there was a huge creative side to me that was always trying to get out. I was a dancer, an athlete, and an arts and crafts mess.
My kids would tell you that I still like order and neatness, but I have found that photography satisfies so many important aspects of who I am.
Through my camera lens...
Rainbow is my favorite color.
I love the colors, feels, & temperatures of every season.
I love how every photo session is different because God created all people different.
I love to see your genuine crinkled-nose smiles when you laugh.
I love how you start out shy in front of my camera but walk away more confident.
I love that you decorate your homes with my photographic art.
I choose to keep making art.